
Lincoln Celebrates 10 Years With Matthew McConaughey

Longtime Lincoln brand ambassador Matthew McConaughey is appearing on Ford CEO Jim Farley’s podcast. 

Now in its second season, "DRIVE with Jim Farley" features celebrities riding shotgun with the head of the automaker, discussing both what they drive and what drives them to succeed. Other recent guests have included talk show host Jimmy Kimmel and journalist Luke Russert. 

“I’ve been drivin’ Lincolns long before anyone paid me to drive ‘em…”  

As a fan of the brand and a Navigator owner, McConaughey first showed up in Lincoln ads and uttered that line in 2014. Lincoln remains a brand that he truly believes in, and its marketing featuring the actor leans into his authenticity.



Quirky, cool and slightly enigmatic, McConaughey brought Lincoln back into the zeitgeist, according to the automaker. 

Farley is no stranger to McConaughey’s passion for all things automotive, motorcycles and storytelling. Together on the podcast, they take a ride down memory lane.

“A truck in Texas for me and for so many others means freedom on many levels,” McConaughey tells Farley. “On and off the road  -- it has all my gear, I don’t need an office -- truck is my office.”

Listeners of the 30-minute show learn the story of how he landed his first movie role in “Dazed and Confused” and the origin of his legendary line, “All right, all right, all right.”

McConaughey also has some on-brand advice for Farley on leading Ford as CEO.

“As leaders and even as livers, it's okay for life to be a 16-lane highway and us to have room to swerve,” he says. “Just know if we're going north, south, east, or west and stay in that direction and don't pull a ‘uey’ (u-turn), it's okay to swerve here and there, but stay in the same direction.”

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