AdLarge And Consumable Unveil A Female Podcast Network

Podcast advertising firm AdLarge has formed a partnership with Consumable to launch a female podcast network. 

The new network, the fwd. network, will bring together advertisers and female creators, AdLarge claims. 

AdLarge hopes to serve “female podcasters and their listeners by helping them build sustainable businesses while amplifying their voices and communities,” says Cathy Csukas, CEO of AdLarge.

The large audio supply will give advertisers access to female audiences in uncluttered environments at scale, it continues. 

The arrangement combines AdLarge's audio advertising capability with Consumable’s premium female audience.

The key features will include:

  • 250 million monthly exclusive audio impressions
  • Audience curation with contextual data segments
  • Expanded female-first media capabilities

“We are confident in delivering a groundbreaking advertising solution to both brands and audiences,” says Mark Levin, CEO of Consumable. 






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