Nearly Half Of Streaming Subscribers Regularly Jump Among Services

Nearly half of streaming video subscribers hop among services multiple times over a 12-month period, excluding Netflix, according to data released by Parks Associates and SymphonyAI Media. 

The whitepaper also reports that the lead drivers for using ad-based over-the-top streaming services are being free to the user, being easy to use on home TV systems, and offering diversified, “good” programming. 

In addition, 48% of subscribers surveyed cited content or a specific program as the primary motivation for subscribing to a new service.

“Consumers are experimenting across new services, so content sellers and streaming services must ensure that relevant, engaging content is presented to subscribers,” observes Thomas Schaeffer, senior contributing analyst at Parks Associates.  

SymphonyAI, a Parks marketing partner, offers content performance and other AI-based solutions.

The whitepaper asserts that such content analytics solutions are increasingly necessary to help media measure and predict the profit generated by specific content assets and partnerships, optimize pricing terms for direct-to-consumer and licensed distribution, align offerings with specific audience interests, and optimize revenue models.

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