
Stadiumred Acquires Experiential Agency Creative Riff

Budding agency holding company Stadiumred Group has acquired experiential agency Creative Riff for an undisclosed sum.

Creative Riff, launched in 2015 by founder-CEO Ryan Coan, has worked with well-known media brands such as FX Networks, Hulu, Marvel Studios and ABC.

One example of its work was a project called Atlanta Ice Block Party, an event for the FX show Atlanta. It’s also done a bunch of Comic-Con-related activations, creating experiences for 28 shows over the past five years.

The agency has offices in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The deal is the fourth acquisition by Stadumred in the past two years. It has plans for additional transactions in 2020.

Other agencies in its portfolio include magic bullet (brand and media strategy, branded content), SevenBlue (strategy, experiential, branding) and Gyrosity Projects (digital advertising and related services).




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